Today I’m going to discuss the phrase “to work on something”. This is a very useful expression and I want to share it with you.
エイゴの時間 Posts
Have you taken advantage of the GO TO TRAVEL campaign?
Well, I haven’t. I can’t, actually. The government has decided that Tokyo is excluded from the campaign. I’m a Tokyo resident, therefore, I’m not eligible for discounts offered by the campaign. Not fair!
In English, the word “person” can be used to express personal characteristics or preferences.
For example, if you love cats, you’re a cat person. If you prefer dogs, you’re a dog person. Personally, I love both cats and dogs, but I think I’m more of a dog person than a cat person.
Last week I took a subway ride for the first time in six months. Due to the COVID-19, I’ve been working 100% from home since March as all of my work as an interpreter has been cancelled.
I was reading a book the other day, when I came across an expression “behind closed doors”. Are you familiar with the phrase?
美容院で髪を切ってもらう。歯医者で虫歯を治療してもらう。キッチンをリフォームしてもらう。すぐに英語で言える? すべて使役動詞の have を使って表現します。
homework といえば「宿題」です。でも、英語の homework は子どもの課題に限りません。学校を卒業すれば宿題とはさよならかもしれませんが、homework は社会人になってもついて回ります。え、なんで?